Welcome to the All-Ukrainian Art Therapy Association
Who We Are
The All-Ukrainian Art Therapy Association was formed in 2003 by a group of certified psychologists who shared a love for art and a passion for art therapy and its many proven benefits for those suffering from severe trauma, stress, depression, and so much more. Today, with more then 300 members across Ukraine, the Art Therapy Association commits itself to scientific and educational art therapy practices as well as promoting the development and implementation of art therapy methods in Ukraine.
“We are always open to new acquaintances and contacts. Read, study, and be sure to create! We wish you a good mood, useful information, and the joy that lies in creating.”
Voznesenska Olena Leonidivna, President All-Ukrainian ATA
What We Do
Art therapy is a treatment approach that incorporates creative expression as a way to address and process traumatic experiences. Through various forms of art, such as drawing, painting, sculpting, or music, individuals are able to explore and express emotions, memories, and thoughts that may be difficult to put into words. The therapeutic process involves a trained art therapist who helps guide individuals through their art-making, providing a safe and supportive space for them to reflect on their experiences and find meaning and healing. Art therapy can be particularly helpful for traumas that may be difficult to talk about, as it allows for non-verbal communication and can tap into the subconscious mind. It can also provide individuals with a sense of control, agency, and empowerment, as they are able to make choices and create something meaningful from their pain. Through this process, the All-Ukrainian Art Therapy Association aims to promote emotional and psychological well-being and promote recovery from trauma.
Thematic training and seminars on art therapy.
Advanced Training Course
A complete 2-year art therapy certification course.
Art therapy master classes for both professionals and art lovers.
To learn more about our programs or to get involved, send us an email.